Posted At: Feb 13, 2023 - 1,152 Views
1. Login to your dashboard
2. Click on "SMS"
3. Click on "SCHEDULED"
4. Click on "SCHEDULE SMS"
NAME: Name of scheduled message.
SCHEDULE: Select schedule date and time
MOBILE DEVICE: Your linked devices. Choose which device you want to use for sending.
MOBILE NUMBERS: Multiple E.164 numbers separated by line breaks. Enter mobile numbers here if you are not scheduling messages to your saved contacts in Leave this field empty if you plan to send scheduled sms campaigns to your saved contacts and select CONTACT GROUPS.
CONTACT GROUPS: You can select multiple contact groups if you plan to schedule SMS campaign for already saved contacts.
SHORTENER: If enabled, the links in messages will be automatically shortened using the selected shortner.
REPEAT DAYS: Enter how many days to wait until repeat sending of message. Enter 365 to repeat every year on the same month, day and time. If not, it will only follow the time. Enter 0 to disable repeat.
GATEWAY MODE: The gateway mode you want to use. If you choose devices, your linked devices will be shown for sending, otherwise 3rd party and partner gateways will be shown.
SIM SLOT: Sim card slot to use.
TEMPLATE: Your premade message templates.
Type your message in this field. you can use translator as explained earlier.
SPINTAX: You can also use spintax in your message which allows you to randomize words, effectively preventing spamming detections.
SHORTCODES: Set of variables that you can use in your message. {{}}, {{contact.number}}, {{}} will effectively work only for your saved contacts in
7. Click on "SCHEDULE"
8. SMS Campaign Scheduled
Your SMS campaign will be successfully scheduled.