Add API-key

Add API-key

API multi-channel sending

The API is designed as a REST API for receiving and sending text messages, media, and files using HTTP standards.

Unlimited API Keys

Generate as many API keys as you need for your applications. Choose the appropriate subscription plan.

Different Permissions for API Keys

Each API key can contain a different set of permissions.

Application of tools

Using tools just got easier!

Unlimited amount

Do you have many tasks? No problem! Apply unlimited number of tools in

Spam Protection

Use Spintax in your templates to protect your bulk sending from spam by randomizing any of its words in the text of the message, for example: greetings, adjectives, verbs.

Personalized messages

Increase engagement and response rates by personalizing text messages with contact details such as a name.

Bilateral conversations

Conduct two-way negotiations with individual contacts, send auto-replies to user questions, by keywords.

  • {{Hello|Hi}}, {{}}! We hope you enjoyed the {{custom.name_company}} event today? Would you like to visit us again?

    Hello! Yes, looking forward to meeting you again!

    We look forward to seeing you, as always, at our address {{custom.adresse_company}}

  • {{Hi|Hello}}, {{}}! Only up to {{}} get a 50% discount when buying three tickets to «My Company Events»! Your secret code: {{custom.code}}.

    Using tools just got easier!

    Thank you very much!

    We are waiting for you, {{}}!

mms-icon sms-icon whatsapp-icon


Webhook mechanism

A webhook allows an application to provide event-driven information to other applications.

Unlimited Webhooks

Create as many Webhooks as you need for your applications. Choose the appropriate subscription plan.

Multichannel Webhooks

One Webhook can handle receiving events from one, two or all channels together: SMS, WhatsApp, USSD, Notification.

Action Hooks

Action Hook Mechanism

Action hooks allow you to perform actions such as hooks and auto-replies.

Unlimited Action Hooks

Create as many Action Hooks as you need for your applications. Choose the appropriate subscription plan.

Multichannel Action Hooks

Action hooks support both SMS and WhatsApp communication channels. Action hooks are created by the user in the web panel.

Action Hooks
Message Templates

Message Templates

Message Template Mechanism

Message templates are used for faster preparation of bulk messages, using the following functions for this: Spintax, Shortcodes.

Unlimited Templates

Create as many templates as you need for your sending campaigns, on any subscription plan.

Multi-channel templates

Message templates support both SMS and WhatsApp communication channels. Templates are created by the user in the web panel.

Free plugins

Use ready-made plugins to better integrate your application with

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