- SmsNotif.com is not an SMS gateway.
- SmsNotif.com is a service that creates the ability to use the user device, with the Android operating system as an SMS gateway.
- All user messages are sent through the user SIM card.
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Top FAQs
Feeling curious? Read our FAQ or contact our sponsors for assistance.
What is the difference between SmsNotif.com and other SMS gateways?
What is the cost of SMS?
- Messages are sent from your phone (SIM card) and the cost of SMS depends on the tariffs of your communication operator.
- We do not take payment for the messages delivered.
- Some providers have services with an unlimited number of messages.
- There are no other costs when sending messages.
Why tie the phone to the SmsNotif.com?
- SmsNotif.com sends a command to send messages to Android.
- For normal operation in autonomous mode and receiving commands, you need to install the SmsNotif-com.app application and tie the device in the control panel.
Can my communications operator block messages from sending SMS?
- Read the conditions and rules for sending SMS messages on your telecom operator's website.
- Contact their company on the phone and check about sending bulk messages in short intervals.
- Often there are special fees and conditions for individuals and law firms.
- Don't send messages on other people's sites (uninterested people), but collect your contact lists.
- Use the API to connect to your site to assemble a database of customers' interest.
- If the recipient doesn't want to receive messages from you, he can complain about your phone number. This can lead to SIM card freeze.
What information can be indicated in the content of messages?
- The content of messages should not contradict the legislation of the country within which messages are sent.
- All responsibility for the content of SMS messages lies with the owner of the SIM card phone number.
- The recipient as a sender will see your phone number.
- The use of our service is imperceptible to your customers.
- SmsNotif.com provides filters for filtering messages. The user can configure lists of prohibited or undesirable words in the content of messages.
How many SMS per minute/hour can you send?
- To avoid blocking from your provider, we advise you to limit what you are sending based on the reasonable permissions of your provider.
- This article explains how to establish restrictions on SMS sending.
Why did you have a warning about frequent SMS messages on the phone?
- Android devices have restrictions on the number of messages sent (mainly 30 messages within 30 minutes).
- Used to protect you, from undesirable and hidden outgoing messages.Often, messages during the bulk sending continue to go, but a warning message freezes in the device.
- This is decided using the program and commands in Android Debug Bridge (Adb).
- Detailed instructions are here.
Who provides a phone number?
- You will use your own number to sand WhatsApp and SMS messages.
What countries are supported?
- Smsnotif.com can be used in any country.
- For WhatsApp campaigns, just connect your WhatsApp account.
- There is no need for an official business-API WhatsApp.
- For SMS campaigns, connect your Android device to send SMS for SMS, using your own SIM card, to the SmsNotif.com service.
What do I need to send campaigns?
- For marketing in WhatsApp, you do not need anything additionally except SmsNotif.com.
- Use our cloud solution for marketing campaigns.
- For SMS marketing, you will need an Android device and your own SIM card for sending SMS newsletters.
How many WhatsApp accounts can we tie?
- The number of related accounts depends on your monthly subscription. Please contact the tariffs to obtain more information.
Do I need an official business API WhatsApp?
- You do not need an official business-API WhatsApp.
- Just connect your WhatsApp account in the SmsNotif.com control panel and start sending messages.
Where can I see sent messages?
- You can see the sent messages in the toolbar of tools SmuNotif.com, as well as on your phone.
Can we get access to SmsNotif.com from several places?
- Yes.
WhatsApp automatically turns off all connected devices every 7-10 days.
- This is how WhatsApp works: it will turn off the device in a few days. You must re -tie it again.
- You must try to manually visit the Cron URL in the browser to make sure that it works correctly. He will return the answer 200 if it works.
The function of receiving SMS messages is disabled if the device is configured as a partnership?
- Yes.
- This is due to ensuring the safety of the owner of the SIM card and protecting it from fraud by unscrupulous tenants of devices.
What is the minimum amount of payment under the Partner system?
- The partner may apply for the withdrawal of funds when his deposit reaches $100.
- All applications, to withdraw funds, are processed manually. Therefore, this can take some time depending on the number of applications.
When I receive a WhatsApp message, it's already marked as read, even though I haven't read it yet. How do I fix this?
Currently, it works like this:
- Received messages should be marked as read to prepare them for future sent messages and prevent unwanted lockouts of WhatsApp accounts.
Pricing plan questions
Frequently asked questions about payments and taxes
What is the difference between Free tariff and paid?
- Paid tariffs increase the number of contacts connected by Android devices, Webhooks, API keys, branding in the footer is removed, you can use short links in the messages sent, an unlimited number of notifications, USSD queries.
- The rest of the functions are unlimited and available at the free “FREE” tariff.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
- No, we cannot cancel the already paid subscription.
- You need to wait when the subscription period is over.
How to switch subscription between free and paid plan?
- You can purchase a subscription plan for your tasks at any time and immediately switch to this paid subscription plan.
Is there an additional discount when paid annually?
- Yes, there is such a discount. Usually we write the price for a year with a discount and without a discount. You can see the difference in price.
What will happen if I do not extend my paid subscription?
- If you do not extend the paid subscription, then at the end of the paid subscription period, you will automatically switch to the Free tariff.
- You can purchase a paid tariff at any time again.
What kind of payment methods do you provide?
- We provide several payment methods, depending on the country of origin of the user.
- The proposed payment methods are offered when switching the language of the site.
Contact management questions
Several frequently asked questions that interest users of the new SmsNotif.com service.
How difficult is it to manage customer lists with SmsNotif.com?
- SmsNotif.com offers to import contact lists using an Excel file to make it as easy as possible to upload and manage your contacts.
How much does it cost to manage contacts with SmsNotif.com?
- Importing and managing contacts is available for all SmsNotif.com tariff plans.
Can I download an existing contact list using SmsNotif.com?
- Yes! But remember that text marketing is a permission-based activity and requires the consent of everyone you plan to send messages to. SmsNotif.com makes it easy to get consent with the tools and features you can use to get recipients' consent, such as sending: QR codes and keywords.
Questions about the app
A few FAQs to help you use the SmsNotif.com app
Why is the app not working?
- If the gateway app is not working or messages are not being sent from the queue, Please check if your Android device has Google Play Services. This service is required for the app to function normally because the app uses FCM for transactions. Also check if the device date and time are correctly synced from the internet.